Audio in StaffPad

StaffPad features a powerful audio engine that enables you to work with audio files directly alongside notation; this means you can record, import and edit audio and mix it with the high quality playback from notation features that StaffPad is known for.

This opens up a lot of possibilities, such as recording a vocal performance, or adding instruments on top of an existing track. It can help with transcribing a song - you can even tempo map audio files that change tempo right within StaffPad. Or, maybe you're working on a film scene and need to work around dialog or timing tracks. Perhaps you just want to mix some sound effects, or add some unique elements to your score to augment your composition.

Any audio you add into your score is conformed to a consistent standard, and stored within the StaffPad file itself. You don't need to worry about formats, sample rates, channel configurations or anything else whilst working with audio in StaffPad and, since the audio is stored in the file, you don't need to worry about archives or including lots of audio that might be scattered about your device... it's all stored in one, neat, tidy StaffPad score file which can be easily shared with others.

Audio in StaffPad is fun and easy to work with, and signals yet another new era of StaffPad's lifecycle as a composition tool built for modern composers.

Over the next few chapters, we'll look at how to work with audio inside StaffPad.

  • Adding Audio: Learn about Audio Staffs, and how to record and import audio files on to them.
  • Elements: Read about StaffPad's new Elements browser, offering royalty free production loops and sounds for use in your score
  • Adaptive Audio: Explore StaffPad's powerful time and pitch stretching capabilties
  • Tempo Mapping: Find out how to tempo map free-time audio using the new tempo staff capability



StaffPad's Purpose

It's important to remember that StaffPad exists to sit between "traditional" DAWs and notation programs - not replace them. StaffPad doesn't try to compete on a feature level with heavy hitting audio editing programs, or the fantastic desktop tools that already exist for detailed notation engraving. Instead, StaffPad's focus is on simplicity, intuitiveness and fluidity. However, the tools StaffPad offers are powerful - make no mistake - and you may even be surprised at just how much you can do with it!

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