Importing and Recording Audio

You can import existing audio files into StaffPad, or record audio directly onto the staff using your device's in-built microphone.

To import an audio file, you can either:

  • Create an audio staff; tap the audio staff's name, and choose "Import Audio"
  • Drag a file from the "Files" app on iPadOS or Explorer on Windows
  • Drag an "Element" from the Elements Browser

StaffPad supports importing of all major audio formats, and will copy and convert this file to the required specifications automatically.


Of course, one of the most useful features of Audio Staffs is that you can also record your own audio directly into your score. This way, you can add your own instruments, record others or quickly capture ideas. 

To record audio:

  1. Create an Audio Staff from the Staffs screen
  2. Tap the Audio Staff's name
  3. Tap the "Record" icon. Notice the record icon now shows in StaffPad's main toolbar, next to the Play icon, and the audio staff now displays in red.
  4. Press Record in the toolbar; StaffPad will trail a red indicator behind the playhead to show audio being recorded.




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