Use of sound libraries

By purchasing a StaffPad license you now have the right to make and share (for commercial and non-commercial purposes) any music recordings, videos of the app in action, notation, etc with StaffPad and we have no claims whatsoever to anything you create with the app.  We do not have any claims to the recording or intellectual property of the music you create with StaffPad.

Any other use of StaffPad or the libraries found on StaffPad (basically don’t create your own library out of StaffPad sounds or any 3rd party library we sell and then try to resell it as your library or give it away for free for example) is prohibited.

We encourage StaffPad users to put any music, screen recordings, notation, or anything else you generate with StaffPad wherever you’d like. It is your music to share and we love hearing about ways StaffPad is being used.

The third party libraries we work with all have similar policies posted on their sites.  Any specific questions about the legal language regarding their libraries should be directed to the respective company as we can not speak on their behalf regarding any legal policies.

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