Repeats & Swing

D.C. / D.S. repeats

StaffPad will recognize the following repeats entered as text:

  • D.C., D.C. al Fine, D.C. al Coda
  • D.S., D.S. al Fine, D.S. al Coda
  • to Coda
  • Fine


See D.C., D.S., and Coda repeats for a more details on how these repeat structures work.

Swing playback

If you enter tempo text such as “Swing” or “Swung”, StaffPad will play the music back in a swing triplet style. Enter “Straight” to return playback to even eighth notes.


A nice “touch” which holds true for all types of text: If you long-press in the score with your finger and choose Insert Text, the keyboard will appear, prompting you to type your text. But if you click-tap (right-click) instead, you’ll get the on-screen Windows handwriting interface, within which you can use the pen to write your text.

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