Video Staffs

The Video Staff is a new staff type, found within the Utility category in the Staffs control.

Video Staff Menu.jpeg

Just like an instrument or audio staff, tapping the staff name brings up the staff control, where you can import a video file, adjust the volume, pan, reverb of the video's audio track, or even add effects to it.

Once you've imported a video, a filmstrip of thumbnails is rendered across the score. You can double-tap this filmstrip to hide or show the video preview window. You can also double-tap on the video window itself to hide it. On iOS, pinch-to-zoom to resize the video preview. On Windows, drag the scale handle in the bottom right corner to resize the video preview.


Imported video files appear as video clips. You can only have one video staff in a score, but you can import multiple video clips onto the same video staff. Just like with audio clips, you can drag the video around using the Pencil or Pen. You can also trim the start and end times by dragging the start and end handles on the video clip with the Pencil or Pen - same as with audio clips.


The Video Staff supports all major video formats. You can even export the video with your music included from the Share screen.

The Video Staff works best in conjunction with the timecode staff and tempo mapping features. It's easy to work out exact cue points, add markers, and make fine adjustments. Together, they provide a formidable set of tools for scoring to picture.

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